


At Corsar, we are dedicated to connecting auto enthusiasts from every corner of the globe. This policy details the types of information we gather and the manner in which it is utilized and shared, encompassing all of Corsar’s platforms, including our website and mobile applications, collectively referred to as the “Corsar Services” or “Services”.

Types of Information Collected

Information You Provide: We collect the content and other information you input when using our Services. This includes but is not limited to information provided at account creation, content creation and sharing, messaging, and communication within the Services. Examples of this information include the location data of a photo, creation dates of files, details of vehicles you add to your profile, events you organize or participate in, and the groups and communities you engage with. Our collection extends to details on your interaction with the Services, like types of content viewed or engaged with, and patterns in your activity.

Information Others Provide: We also gather content and information others provide when they use our Services. This includes information about you such as when others share or tag a photo of you, send messages, or upload your contact information.

Legal Requirements Corsar may preserve and share your information with third parties, including law enforcement, public or governmental agencies, or private litigants, within or outside your country of residence, if we determine that such disclosure is allowed by the law or reasonably necessary to comply with the law. This includes responding to court orders, warrants, subpoenas, or other legal or regulatory processes. We may also retain, preserve, or disclose your information if we determine it’s reasonably necessary or appropriate to: (1) prevent any person from death or serious bodily injury; (2) address issues of national security or other issues of public importance; (3) prevent or detect violations of our Terms of Service or fraud or abuse of Corsar or its users; (4) protect our operations, property, or other legal rights, including by disclosure to our legal counsel and other consultants and third parties in connection with actual or potential litigation.

Managing Your Settings Privacy Controls Corsar offers several features and settings to help you manage your privacy and share your activities. Most privacy controls are located in your privacy controls page, but some are specific to individual activities, athletes, routes, or features. Corsar provides you the option to make your activities visible to everyone, only your followers and you, or just you. Click here to manage your privacy controls.

Updating Account Information You may correct, amend, or update profile or account information at any time by adjusting that information in your account settings. If you need further assistance correcting inaccurate information, please contact Corsar at

Deleting Information and Accounts and Downloading Your Data You can delete your account or download your data using our self-service tools. Follow the instructions here to download your data, including your activity files. To delete your account please follow the instructions provided here.

After you make an account deletion request, we permanently and irreversibly delete your personal information from our systems, including backups. Once deleted, your data, including your account, activities, and place on leaderboards cannot be reinstated. Following your deletion of your account, it may take up to 45 days to delete your personal information and system logs from our systems. Additionally, we may retain information where deletion requests are made to comply with the law and take other actions permitted by law.

Note that we do not have control over content you have shared directly with others, such as photos or videos on other social media platforms, or that others may have copied. In other words, content or information may remain available after you have deleted your account or deleted specific information from your own profile. Your public profile may be displayed in search engine results until the search engine refreshes its cache.

Corsar also provides you the option to remove individual activities you have posted without deleting your account. Once removed, the activities may remain on Corsar’s systems until you delete your account.

Aggregate Information Corsar may deidentify and aggregate the information you and others make available in connection with the Services and post it publicly or share it with third parties. Examples include information about equipment, usage, demographics, routes, performance, and challenge participation and completion. Corsar may use, sell, license, and share this aggregated information with third parties for research, business, or other purposes such as to improve walking, running, or riding in cities via Corsar Metro or to help our partners understand more about users, including the people who use their products and services. Corsar also uses aggregated data to generate our Global Heatmap and other community-powered features such as Points of Interest and Start Points. Please visit your privacy controls if you would like to opt out of Corsar using your information for these purposes.

How Information is Shared We do not sell your personal information for monetary value. We may share personal information in accordance with your preferences, as needed to run our business and provide the Services, and where required for legal purposes, as set forth below. In addition, we may sell or share aggregated data about our users, as described in more detail in the “Aggregate Information” section below.

Service Providers We may share your information with third parties who provide services to Corsar, such as supporting, improving, promoting, and securing the Services, processing payments, or fulfilling orders. These service providers only have access to the information necessary to perform these limited functions on our behalf and are required to protect and secure your information. We may also engage service providers to collect information about your use of the Services over time on our behalf, to promote Corsar or display information that may be relevant to your interests on the Services or other websites or services.


Your Networks and Connections: We acquire information about the people, groups, and communities you are connected to and how you interact with them. This encompasses the individuals you follow, the posts you like, the events you attend, and the groups you are part of. Our meetup features provide us with data including location, the vehicle selected for meetups, and chosen meeting points. If you opt to upload, sync, or import contact information from a device, we use this for enhancing your network on our platform.

Your Usage: We analyse how you utilize our Services, including the types of content you interact with, the features you use, your actions within the app, and the frequency, timing, and duration of your activities. This includes logging your usage patterns, content interactions, and feature usage.

Device Information: We collect information from the devices you use to access our Services, which varies based on the permissions you’ve granted. This includes operating system details, hardware specifications, device settings, file types, and unique device identifiers. Device operations like active window status, Bluetooth signals, information about nearby Wi-Fi access points, beacons, and cell towers, precise geographic locations via GPS, cellular networks, Bluetooth, or WiFi signals, and connection specifics like browser type, language, time zone, mobile phone number, and IP address are also collected.

Use of Information We utilize the information we collect to provide, improve, and develop our Services. This includes personalizing content, creating user-centric suggestions, and enhancing user experience both on and off our Services. Location information is particularly used to tailor our Services to you, aiding in finding content, users, vehicles, and events in your area. We also use your information for security purposes, to ensure the safety of our platform, and to communicate with you about updates, policies, and customer service interactions.

Sharing on Our Services Corsar facilitates sharing and connection among users. We enable this through various means:

  • People You Share and Communicate With: Control over visibility of your shared information depends on your personal settings and the context of your sharing on the platform.
  • Public Information: Any information you share with a public setting or in public groups and events is accessible to anyone, both on and off our Services, and may be indexed by search engines.
  • Content Others Share About You: Other users may share information about you within the bounds of their chosen audience settings.
  • Third-Party Apps and Services: Usage of third-party apps and services integrated with our Services might result in these entities receiving information about what you post or share.

Sharing with Third-Party Partners and Customers To support and improve our Services, we may share your information with third parties who assist us in our operational processes or who utilize our advertising and related products. This helps us maintain free services for our global auto enthusiast community. Our sharing extends to:

  • Advertising, Measurement, and Analytics Services: We aim for relevant and engaging advertising on our Services, for which we might use your non-personally identifiable information. We do not share personally identifiable information without your consent and ensure aggregated data does not personally identify you.
  • Vendors, Service Providers, and Other Partners: We share information with global partners who support our business infrastructure, analytics, customer service, and other operational needs. These partners are bound by strict confidentiality and data protection terms.

Managing and Deleting Your Information You can manage, disable, or delete your account and control your information through your profile and settings. Data retention is based on the necessity to provide and enhance our Services. You can request account disablement or deletion or a download of your data through specified channels in our app or by contacting us.

Our Legal Basis for Processing Data Our data handling complies with legal obligations and serves legitimate interests in providing an innovative, personalized, and secure service to our users. This includes processing data for direct marketing and protecting the vital interests of our users.

Exercising Your Rights under the GDPR Under the GDPR, you have various rights regarding your data, including access, rectification, portability, and erasure. You also have the right to object to certain processing activities.

International Compliance and Jurisdiction

Compliance with International Laws: Corsar operates globally and is committed to complying with international laws and regulations. We endeavor to adhere to the legal standards set forth in each country where our Services are available. However, the diverse nature of international law means that there may be variations in these standards.

Jurisdiction and Governing Law: The Services provided by Corsar are governed by the laws of the country where our company is headquartered, [insert country of headquarters]. However, when our Services are accessed from other jurisdictions, we strive to comply with the local laws of that jurisdiction to the extent that they apply to our Services.

Limitation of Liability: Corsar makes no representation that the Services are appropriate or available for use in all locations. Those who access or use the Services do so at their own volition and are responsible for compliance with local law.

Immunity from Prosecution: While Corsar is committed to legal compliance, it is important to note that as a digital platform, we are subject to certain protections under international law. These protections may include limitations on legal action taken against us in various jurisdictions. However, Corsar does not claim immunity from legal processes and is dedicated to cooperating with lawful investigations and legal proceedings, where applicable.

Legal Requests and Cooperation: Corsar may access, preserve, and share user information in response to legal requests (like court orders or subpoenas) if we have a good faith belief that the law requires us to do so. This may include responding to legal requests from jurisdictions outside of our operating country where we have a good faith belief that the response is required by law in that jurisdiction.

Changes to Our Legal Compliance Policy: We reserve the right to modify our compliance policies at any time in accordance with changes in international law and our business practices.

Response to Legal Requests We may access and share your information in response to legal requests when legally required. This includes international jurisdictions outside of Spain, in compliance with international standards.

Operation of Our Global Services Your data may be transferred internationally as part of our global service operations. We adhere to EU standards and obtain your consent for data transfers from the EEA to other countries.

Notification of Updates to This Policy We will provide advance notice of any policy updates, allowing you to review changes before they take effect.

Contact Us For inquiries or requests related to your data or account, contact us using the provided methods.